Friday, June 22, 2012

E3 2012: Did This Just Happen?

So E3 has come and gone... and I'm left wondering if this was really worth it. I can honestly say that this was the most disappointing E3 in a long time. There were no "OMG THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!!1" game announcements, and what they did announce was a bit ho-hum. The lack of new hardware announcements was absurd.

We should let E3 die after this year and look for a return to smaller conventions and becoming more geared toward the actual gamer and not just being a media event. PAX and Blizzcon have the ideas of a gaming convention down, why can't the ESA get that? We want demos, we want big announcements , we want everything that E3 was in the past back again.

A gaming convention shouldn't be trying to convince non-gamers to become gamers, but celebrate everything that gamers are and enjoy. Tournaments, demos, and cosplay events should litter the schedule of events and the show floor. There is GameStop's GameStop EXPO now being open to the "public", so we can see how this goes. Give us an industry sanctioned event that gamers can enjoy and be proud of. Can we at least have that?

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