Saturday, June 2, 2012

My E3 2012 Most Wanted

This year’s E3 is right around the corner and I absolutely can’t wait. Everything kicks off this coming Monday with Microsoft’s Press Conference. All the rest of the major dev studios are having Press Conferences throughout the week, and then there are all the booths. I wish I was going to it, but I have to sit at home reading and watching all this awesome info come out of this annual event. While I am excited about the event, we gamers need to admit that it is more or less a hype machine put on by the industry. There are other events that have just as much awesome news coming out of it, but this is still the biggie. There are still so many things to look forward to coming out of this event. Everyone has their own list of things, but here is a list of what I really want to see at E3.

More Borderlands 2
Gearbox did an absolutely amazing job on the first game and it was one of my favorites from 2009. The game blended the FPS and RPG genres fantastically and gave a healthy dash of co-op play. With the hype around the sequel making me squeal and hope for September to come sooner, I need even more info. If they announce a demo to be released for it I will just go nuts. Borderlands 2 will without a doubt be among my favorite games of 2012.

New Hardware Suprise!
While everyone is saying that there will be no major hardware announcements coming this E3, I can’t help but hope for some awesome news to drop. I’m not talking about Nintnendo giving a date and specs for the Wii U. I’m talking about new form factors or brand spanking new hardware. Much like what Nintendo did last year, tech demos for Microsoft and Sony’s new consoles would make sense. Some people are still saying it’s too early for a new console generation, but I’m always ready for it.

More Info on the new Gears of War
I love the Gears of War series. It’s a blast to play with friends and a decent romp through single player. The new game is supposedly a prequel, so I am interested to see what they do with the story line. As long as I can get a decent game of Co-Op in with all my buddies I will be happy.

Bioshock Infinite
Enough said.

Forza Horizons
I know this game isn’t on many people’s radars, but I am a huge fan of racing games. If they can combine the fun of Forza physics with an open world driving experience, ala Test Drive Unlimited, I would give the game a 10. My biggest problem with TDU was that the driving was floaty and stale. I want a game that I can have fun with and actually tune to take to the open streets and just drive to my heart’s content. Even if the graphics take a small dip and the physics are just a bit more arcadey, I will still have a satisfied look of joy on my face when driving. Just don’t try to make things too “lifestyle oriented” like TDU did.

Planetside 2
I loved the first Planetside. It gave me lots of reasons to keep a decent gaming rig and a headset around my PC for a while. The concept is solid: a constantly evolving, persistent online FPS world that players actually mold. Especially since the game will be Free to Play, I want it even more. While the F2P model might break the balance of the game, I will still look forward to taking on a base raid with a squad of my friends to start the reclaiming of a planet for our army. I may have to buy another headset for my computer now...

More gaming oddities
This is slightly off the subject, but I want to see games that really stretch the boundaries of what people consider “gaming”. I want to see different and new gameplay mechanics. New genres being born and something odd. While I love the mainstream gaming and the hype machine that E3 has become, let me see the lesser known items that will forever hold the hearts of niche gamers out there. We need this generation’s Katamari Damacy or Killer7. Things that turned the gaming world on it’s side and make everyone say “What the fuck was that?” I’m all for the blockbuster CODs and GOWs, but show off the weird game that will only sell 500k units at most.

As I said before E3 may be a glorified hype machine, but can’t we just get excited for all the gaming news that will come out this week. I will be watching, reading, and drooling along with all the other gamers around the world for the next week.

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