Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the one day year everyone stops bitching about everything and looks at what is good in their life. This is my list of 10 things I am thankful for this year.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Collector's Editions and Me

Halo: Reach Legendary Edition $149.99

Call me stupid, but I love Collector's and Limited Editions. At $80 - $150 each they are not in the least cheap. I know I'm on a budget, but I really love having these different things. I have most of the collectible display items in a nice case and the huge boxes in a big ass stack in another room. But why do I get them, and why do I spend extravagant amounts of money on them? I think I know why...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Free Player: penSPED

So an introduction is at hand. I go by the name of penSPED, and I am a gamer.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Free Play Rules

Free Play Start will unfortunately not be starting it's podcasts for a while. However I will be blogging twice a week, usually Tuesday and Friday, about my views on video games. I will also be taking user submissions. If you want to get an article posted, send me an email. We will go over the publishing and submission requirements. 

Thank you for your support. Please comment and tell your friends!

Modern Warfare 3 and Why I'm Not Getting it.

As the year winds down, another Call of Duty game comes out. This time it is part of the acclaimed Modern Warfare series. That makes the game very desirable for many people and very tempting for me, even if I can't really dedicate a lot of time or money to it. I would love to get it for just the single player, but that's not going to happen. There are a few reasons why I won't be getting it this year, and I will tell you why.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Life and Times of a Working Gamer

I work a normal job, 40 hours a week pays the bills. I need to sleep and make sure I can get to work on time. I also live with my girlfriend, which can take up alot of time. So where the hell am I supposed to fit in my games? The whims of a job and personal life removes me from the gaming lifestyle I had grown so accustomed to over the years. Do I wish I had more time or more money for games? Yes... Am I going to get it? That's something completely different.