Saturday, January 28, 2012

DLC and the True Cost of Gaming

As I watched my girlfriend buy my LIVE account another $10 in MS Points, I wondered... Why the hell is she paying for this crap? I mean Dynasty Warriors 7 Costume and Weapon Packs. She spent over $30 on DLC for a game that we bought for $25 used at Gamestop. I wondered the whole time about the real cost of games and how much I have spent on getting content on some of my purchases.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Is the Real Gamer a Dying Breed?

As a gamer, I remember playing every single game that I could get my hands on. I would stay up for the very early hours of the morning playing games to try and finish a game in a single run. It didn’t matter the type of game I played, as long as I was playing games. Even now, I play a fair number of genres of video games. I give as many games I can a try and see if I can find good points with the game. What I find with “gamers” now days, is they play one type of game or even just one game series. Where is the passion for games in general? Where has the true gamer gone? Is the real gamer a dying breed?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year Preview

The New Year is upon us and most people have done look backs over the last year. Most of the great gaming experiences from 2011 are carrying over to 2012. I love to put hours into my games and it doesn't stop when the year ends. And while those are great, I want to look to the this year. 2012 has some great game coming out all throughout the year. We know all of this even before this year started. I can't wait for all the new games.