Friday, June 22, 2012

E3 2012: Did This Just Happen?

So E3 has come and gone... and I'm left wondering if this was really worth it. I can honestly say that this was the most disappointing E3 in a long time. There were no "OMG THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!!1" game announcements, and what they did announce was a bit ho-hum. The lack of new hardware announcements was absurd.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My E3 2012 Most Wanted

This year’s E3 is right around the corner and I absolutely can’t wait. Everything kicks off this coming Monday with Microsoft’s Press Conference. All the rest of the major dev studios are having Press Conferences throughout the week, and then there are all the booths. I wish I was going to it, but I have to sit at home reading and watching all this awesome info come out of this annual event. While I am excited about the event, we gamers need to admit that it is more or less a hype machine put on by the industry. There are other events that have just as much awesome news coming out of it, but this is still the biggie. There are still so many things to look forward to coming out of this event. Everyone has their own list of things, but here is a list of what I really want to see at E3.