Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the one day year everyone stops bitching about everything and looks at what is good in their life. This is my list of 10 things I am thankful for this year.

10. Having things to keep me busy. Games, work, and all my other hobbies keep me well entertained.

9. Good game developers. They help me pass the time with well made, enjoyable games. For that, I am extremely thankful.

8. The interwebs. This makes this blog, online gaming, and much more possible.

7. Xbox LIVE. My choice way to connect and play games online. I have logged many hours in LIVE, even on the holidays.

6. Amazon having great deals. I love getting great games at great prices, especially if it is Limited Editions. They also have fantastic prices on ALOT of other stuff.

5. Good friends to play games with. Having friends to watch your back in an online firefight? Love it.

4. Forza 4 and Battlefield 3. My two poisons of choice right now. Absolutely awesome. Both games will hold my attention for many, many hours.

3. Having a place to call my own. Being able to come home to just myself and my girlfriend is a blessing. I can do whatever I want with layout and what kind of awesome stuff I have displayed.

2. Having a god job. My job and the paychecks that come with it makes everything possible. It allows me to have my place, have internet, play games, and have LIVE. It helps that I enjoy going to work.

1. Living in a world with games. I love that I have a choice of what kind of games I can play. I love that I can waste hundreds of hours playing a single game if I want. Games have and will always play a big part in my life, and I am thankful for every game I get to play.

These are just some of the things that make my life great. I love my life and would not trade it for anything. Could it be better? Yea. Does it mean that I don't appreciate everything that I do have in my life? Not at all.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Game well and game often.

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